Science Experiment: Can You Make It Snow In Summer?
Tricky Nick shows Lauren and Andrew how to make snow in summer with this very cool polymer. Melbourne magician Tricky Nick is available...
Science Experiment: How Do Sand Castles Work?
I dropped by Kid's WB on the weeked to show Lauren and Andrew how sand castles stick together and how that creepy Kinetic Sand stuff...
Science Experiment: Can You Make A Fountain Out Of Soft Drink Bottles?
Tricky Nick shows Lauren and Shane how to make a cool fountain using a couple of old soft drink bottles on Channel 9's Kid's WB....
Science Experiment: Blow Up A Balloon With Just One Breath!
Check out this cool experiment from Tricky Nick as he attempts to blow up a giant balloon with just one breath. How is it possible? Watch...
Science Experiment: Walk On Broken Eggs Without Breaking Them!
Tricky Nick knows how to walk on broken eggs without breaking one of them. In this cool experiment, Tricky Nick shows Lauren and Shane...